Today, amazingly enough, the sun is just peeking out from the mantle of cloud cover, but I have a legitimate suspicion that it won't last long. We've has several days of average summer temperatures and sunshine----certainly nothing memorable.
As I write, the wind is blowing gently through the trees in the backyard and I can hear the sound of a lawnmower nearby. I have clothes out the the line and my "inside chores" are done. My floors are clean, dishes done, rooms tidy. I feel a sense of accomplishment.
So now, it is time to pour over homeschool materials and make some plans for the year; basic plans, no "written in stone", detailed lessons that must be realized. Just a simple roadmap with plenty of space for changes and add-ons and erasures and scribbled notes.

This year, Alex and I are using a curriculum from Oak Meadow that I found at a yard sale. It was brand new, still boxed, in perfect condition. What a find---a curriculum worth hundreds for just $2!!! I only use textbooks as reference, so these are simply materials to use as a guide for the year and to give me some ideas for a course of study in history and science. I prefer a hands-on method of teaching so we try to get out and about as much as we can. I'm particularly excited about Alex's "Nature Journal", which he will use to document and describe what he sees on our outdoor adventures. And, of course, history is always a source of deep joy for me. I love teaching it, reading about it, watching documentaries about various time periods. I am so glad that Alex loves it, too.
I suppose, although Summer seems to have passed us by without much left to show for it, I am ready to begin a new school year. It is always a time to reflect on the previous year and make a commitment to excellence for the coming year. I truly can't imagine doing it any other way. I am privileged to have the opportunity to be an important influence in my child's educational life and to, hopefully, instill in him a love for learning that will last a lifetime.
"We learn best by example and by direct experience because there are real limits to the adequacy of verbal instruction."~~~Malcolm Gladwell
Some Helpful Links About Nature Journals